How solar works!

Solar panels produce energy measured in units (kWh). Two reverse-rotate protected meters will need to be installed; one for importing and one for exporting energy. Under net metering regulation, customers are allowed to offset the two meters and pay for the excess usage. If the installed system produces more than the usage, the excess amount will be exported to the grid and allowed deduction when the bill is prepared. For instance, if the usage from grid is 2,000 kWh and the excess energy exported to the grid is 1,500 kWh, customer will only pay for 500 kWh for that month.


It is important to understand the difference between Product Warranty and Performance Warranty. Product warranty is where the customer gets replacement while performance warranty does not cover that. Of course, the level of coverage depends on the exact terms of the agreement. What is most important is to have a longer product warranty.

It is also important to know who is providing warranty. The warranty can be provided by the supplier and/or manufacturer. It is very important to be sure if the supplier in Maldives provides any of their own warranties. It would be impractical for the customer to claim the warranty from the manufacturer directly. Claiming warranty from the local supplier would be more practical and convenient.

Return on Investments?

Generally, the payback period for the solar project is less than 3 years for commercial customers situated outside of Male’ region. The payback period for the solar projects is less than 4 years for the commercial customers in the Male’ region. The difference is due to the differences in the tariff rate by the utility companies.

No up-front investments?

Absolutely possible. There are few options. Give us a call to discuss further.

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